What is Men's Group?

Quite simply it’s a group of men who meet regularly to help each other be the best they can be. Men’s group is the co-creation of all its members. One of the most worthwhile benefits of participating in a men’s group is the authentic and vulnerable disclosure of our genuine selves, while witnessing other men as they do the same.

Your responsibility as a participant in this group will be to respect and uphold the dignity and sovereignty of each individual, including yourself. We’ll both support and challenge each other, with kindness and care. Imagine breaking free of limiting beliefs that sabotage you while having the powerful part of you called forth with a new set of beliefs. The truth really will set us free.

Our offering to you

  • Be supported and challenged by a brotherhood of inspired men.
  • Appreciate and transcend the underlying causes of painful relationships.
  • Learn to create and foster genuine, intimate relationships.
  • Confront and dissolve limiting beliefs.
  • Metabolize and transform disturbing emotions.
  • Discover and exemplify your true values and purpose.  
  • Align your world view and behavior with your values and life’s purpose.
  • Realize acceptance, ease and love, for yourself and others.

Your commitment

  • Attend all ten sessions.
  • Arrive to group on time and sober.
  • Uphold the anonymity of all group members. 
  • Abide by the protocols and structure of the group experience.
  • Maintain a willingness to be supportive, brave, uncomfortable, and vulnerable.

Who We Are

Robert Muir

Robert moved with his family from New York City to Boulder, Colorado in 2010 after retiring from a 25 year career on Wall Street. His lifelong desire to better understand himself and others, as well as, human relationships and connection, led Robert to explore various modalities that delve into the collective human experience. For the past six years, the cutting edge of Robert’s development has been as a participant in facilitated, ongoing men’s groups. This profound experience has manifested in Robert a deep desire to offer this transformative opportunity to other men. To better equip himself to serve, Robert completed an intensive instruction in group facilitation with nationally recognized evolutionary coach and group facilitator Reuvain Bacal. Robert is excited to support and facilitate like-minded men on their own transformational journey.

Russell Curtis

Russ is a free-spirited, adventure and joy junkie who can find the humor in any situation. When he moved to Boulder more than 20 years ago, he was both drawn by the beauty, open-minded spirit, and relaxed energy of the town. Over his career, Russ has been an entrepreneur, software developer, bike tour guide and now a men's coach. His ultimate passion is to bring joy and help others find their own excitement and desire to live a life without regrets. If he's not outside running the foothills or riding his bike with friends, Russ can be found at home with his wonderful wife and 4 kids.

Chris Anderson

Chris Anderson holds a strong, enduring desire to better understand himself, his purpose and his relationships. Transformational personal development work, including within men’s groups over the years, has helped him turn this desire into action. Men’s groups have been a constant in his life since 2014, and key to his ongoing evolution into a more self-aware, conscious, and integrated man. He and Robert Muir learned the practice by participating in facilitated men’s groups led by nationally recognized evolutionary coach Reuvain Bacal. This journey culminated when they completed Bacal’s year-long facilitator training. Chris is eternally grateful for the impact men’s groups have had on his life. He is very excited to support other men on their transformational journeys toward becoming the powerful, loving men the world so desperately needs.


Reuvain Bacal

Evolutionary Coach and Group Facilitator

Robert shows up with a powerful, loving presence and leadership in serving men. His facilitation blends together a rare mix of bold directness and realness, with one of the biggest hearts around. He takes a strong stand for bringing men into more sovereignty, power, freedom, self-love and fullness, intrepidly walking side by side with men through any territory they need to go through. He goes deep, says what others won’t, and flashes an earthy humor and perspective. Robert’s a highly cultivated men’s guide who I highly recommend.

Chris Anderson

Group Participant

Over the past 6 years while sitting with Robert in a men’s group, I’ve watched him grow through dedicated practice, self introspection, and focused study. He has a great deal of care and compassion for others. His skills and understanding of relationships make him an ideal facilitator and he has the heart, wisdom, and patience of a great teacher.

Paul Stapleton

Group Participant

I have sat with Chris Anderson in Men’s Group for the past four years.  I appreciate his experience with a variety of practices, some new, some ancient, designed to improve presence and listening.  He brings those tools and his kindness to our circle.  When one of the men in our group comes forward with his personal challenge, Chris has a facilitator’s ability to question in a manner that helps find the edge, go deep and process it.  He is a great comfort to the group.

Russel Wise

Group Participant

Robert has been one of the most influential people in my life, guiding me towards the greatest mental/spiritual stability I have ever experienced. I am forever grateful for his insightful words of wisdom and his willingness to share his experience and knowledge with me. His care and appreciation for the art of healing is one of his greatest strengths.

Jessica Jean Muir

Womxns Coach and Group Facilitator

Robert Muir is a masterful mentor who possesses deep embodied wisdom that goes beyond what you can learn in a training or a book. There is something so powerful about receiving support from someone who has actually LIVED what they are teaching and Robert is a man who walks his talk. Integrity, deep love, humble strength and compassion are at the core of Robert’s essence and these characteristics come through in the way he holds space for his people. Robert is a powerful leader who is rooted in his heart and can guide you into yours.

New Group Starting in Boulder

We meet in Boulder and have ongoing groups throughout the year.  Please send us a message below if you're interested.

Contact Us

We run 4 groups on 4 different nights
